2025: A Turning Point For Homebuilding Tech Integration
This year marks a pivotal shift as homebuilders adopt unified digital solutions that connect design, ERP, and CRM systems into a single lifecycle platform. This strategy enhances builder efficiency, cuts complexity, and drives faster product delivery through integration and AI-driven tools.
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Little Big Deal: What Synergos' Purchase Of Florida-Based ODC Means
The combination of Synergos’ hands-on, tech-enabled, locally-trusted contractor services and Asahi Kasei’s long-term operational roadmap points to a transformative potential for U.S. homebuilders seeking to streamline operations in a cost-sensitive environment.
Housing Enters Dig-Deeper Patch As Economy Sends Up Red Flags
Call this latter 2024, next patch of new-home marketing and selling – probably through year-end 2024 – the "dig deeper" period of the post-pandemic-defined new-home selling cycle.
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Constellation HomeBuilder Systems
How A Broken Furnace Led To An Innovative New Power Solution
With new and emerging Federal and state energy credits that homebuilders and residents can tap into, the system nets out to an expense win on both fronts.
Ground Control: Creating A Digital Marketplace To Move Dirt
A $100 billion-a-year lending pool to acquire and develop the ground for homesites partially supports a parallel universe $50-billion addressable market that begs for a solution to a pain point: moving dirt.
Tapping Linda Mamet As EVP, Tri Pointe's Tech-Fueled Future Accelerates
"We can now focus fully on ideas like a single source of truth. This means holistic integrations among our platforms – where information moves meaningfully in real-time, back-and-forth between what the customer is doing and what we are doing internally." -- Linda Mamet, EVP, Tri Pointe Homes