New data, materials science, machine learning, communications, automation tools that transform the way it has always been done to 10 ways to do it better.
The Innovator's Journal: The Journey Of A Housing Start-Up
This is the first in five-part series from award-winning engineer Candice Delamarre, who with four Stanford University colleagues, created Kit Switch, a novel idea to convert unused offices into homes. Here's how.
How The Tiniest Details In A New Home Could Change Real Estate
Digibilt, a software as a solution platform, could be the missing link to precisely measuring a home's carbon impact. The economic implications range far and wide.
In Digital ID Era, Property And Privacy Enter Brave New World
The inevitability of an industry standard property identification record -- and its vast array of benefits and uses -- doesn't diminish the need for eyes-open recognition of the big risks.
Model Home E-Retail As-A-Service Taps Pandemic-Era Mojo
As Pulte ventures with Mine on turnkey interior design and furnishings e-commerce solutions, a business model pivot on model home economics begins to come clear.
What Builders And Their Partners Need To Know About Hybrid Life
One of business's pandemic-era buzzwords is both all-important and transitory. There's no way around addressing it, and yet, one day, its meaning will fade.
Technology 10.20.21
The Innovator's Journal: The Journey Of A Housing Start-Up
This is the first in five-part series from award-winning engineer Candice Delamarre, who with four Stanford University colleagues, created Kit Switch, a novel idea to convert unused offices into homes. Here's how.
Technology 09.17.21
How The Tiniest Details In A New Home Could Change Real Estate
Digibilt, a software as a solution platform, could be the missing link to precisely measuring a home's carbon impact. The economic implications range far and wide.
Policy 09.02.21
In Digital ID Era, Property And Privacy Enter Brave New World
The inevitability of an industry standard property identification record -- and its vast array of benefits and uses -- doesn't diminish the need for eyes-open recognition of the big risks.
Technology 08.26.21
Model Home E-Retail As-A-Service Taps Pandemic-Era Mojo
As Pulte ventures with Mine on turnkey interior design and furnishings e-commerce solutions, a business model pivot on model home economics begins to come clear.
Architecture 08.23.21
What Builders And Their Partners Need To Know About Hybrid Life
One of business's pandemic-era buzzwords is both all-important and transitory. There's no way around addressing it, and yet, one day, its meaning will fade.