TBDtax credit
How To Maximize Incentives And Value For Energy-Efficient New Homes
Engaging with energy efficiency experts can help unlock myriad benefits for new-home builders.
Trailblazers '23: Clayton Powers Cost-Of-Ownership Game-Change
Clayton's initiative – not only to bend construction cost barriers but to impact, at scale, costs to own during the total lifecycle of ownership – is an investment and commitment to address what's currently trafficking as a "missed opportunity."

tax credit
Policy 12.10.23
How To Maximize Incentives And Value For Energy-Efficient New Homes
Engaging with energy efficiency experts can help unlock myriad benefits for new-home builders.
Leadership 07.11.23
Trailblazers '23: Clayton Powers Cost-Of-Ownership Game-Change
Clayton's initiative – not only to bend construction cost barriers but to impact, at scale, costs to own during the total lifecycle of ownership – is an investment and commitment to address what's currently trafficking as a "missed opportunity."