TBDstrategic sourcing
Smith Douglas Goes Big And Bold With A $100-Mil IPO In The Works
The team has earned high regard among peers, trade colleagues, customers, and suppliers as an exceptionally led, competent, and driven team that struck out on an accelerated growth path in its Southeastern market footprint seven years ago, and never looked back.
C-Level Set: Homebuilding's Top Strategists' 2022 Pay Packages
20 public homebuilding companies' chief strategists -- 28 C-suite executives in all -- earned $424 million in 2022 cash, stock, options, perq compensation. Here's how they come out in The Builder's Daily rankings.
Together with
Trailblazers '23: Higharc Teams Up With Giants To Power Build-Cycle
"This enables agility to flow down that value chain, ultimately to where builders can engage consumers with things like a 3D, automotive-style configurator experience," Higharc ceo Marc Minor says. "The market needs more of that now."
The Art Of Concessions Meets The Science Of Build-Cycle Data
Finding a pricing floor means building that floor on a solid foundation of more predictable inputs, and more reliable construction cycle schedules ... converting time gained from reduced volume into money.
Together with
Constellation HomeBuilder Systems
To Align Short-Run With Long-Term Goals, Partners Add Balance
KB Home serves as a use case, for aligning financial "fast results" with monitored and measured "long-term" improvements that run true to the firm's core values, mission, and purpose.

strategic sourcing
Capital 09.11.23
Smith Douglas Goes Big And Bold With A $100-Mil IPO In The Works
The team has earned high regard among peers, trade colleagues, customers, and suppliers as an exceptionally led, competent, and driven team that struck out on an accelerated growth path in its Southeastern market footprint seven years ago, and never looked back.
Leadership 07.07.23
C-Level Set: Homebuilding's Top Strategists' 2022 Pay Packages
20 public homebuilding companies' chief strategists -- 28 C-suite executives in all -- earned $424 million in 2022 cash, stock, options, perq compensation. Here's how they come out in The Builder's Daily rankings.
Technology 03.28.23
Trailblazers '23: Higharc Teams Up With Giants To Power Build-Cycle
"This enables agility to flow down that value chain, ultimately to where builders can engage consumers with things like a 3D, automotive-style configurator experience," Higharc ceo Marc Minor says. "The market needs more of that now."
Technology 10.05.22
The Art Of Concessions Meets The Science Of Build-Cycle Data
Finding a pricing floor means building that floor on a solid foundation of more predictable inputs, and more reliable construction cycle schedules ... converting time gained from reduced volume into money.
Leadership 08.29.22
To Align Short-Run With Long-Term Goals, Partners Add Balance
KB Home serves as a use case, for aligning financial "fast results" with monitored and measured "long-term" improvements that run true to the firm's core values, mission, and purpose.