TBDSolar panels
How An Innovative Homebuilder Raises Customers' Path Of Value
When it comes to developing, designing, building, marketing, and selling new homes in new-home communities, the challenge is not just better and more valuable homes and communities, but "better and more valuable customers."
Power Partners: KB Home Teams Up On Microgrid As A New Normal
The bold narrative that arches over the KB Home announcement is a first-time ever capability for homebuyers and their neighbors to tap resources that meaningfully improve their home comfort and peace of mind, in a regenerative, sustainable, and cost-reducing way ... at a community level.

Solar panels
Leadership 07.10.23
How An Innovative Homebuilder Raises Customers' Path Of Value
When it comes to developing, designing, building, marketing, and selling new homes in new-home communities, the challenge is not just better and more valuable homes and communities, but "better and more valuable customers."
Technology 11.04.22
Power Partners: KB Home Teams Up On Microgrid As A New Normal
The bold narrative that arches over the KB Home announcement is a first-time ever capability for homebuyers and their neighbors to tap resources that meaningfully improve their home comfort and peace of mind, in a regenerative, sustainable, and cost-reducing way ... at a community level.