TBDsmart home
Trailblazer '23: Fiber-To-The Home's Door-To-Door Super Seller
Fiber to the home infrastructure and solutions is predicted to more than double, from $20 billion today to $53 billion in six years or so. Fiber Fast Homes ceo Scott Sampson has mapped out a fast-track to dominance.
Moment Of Proof: The Future Is Now For New Tech's Value Versus Hype
Will all of homebuilding and proptech's promising new ventures weather a shake-out due to economic turbulence? Here's why two disruptive innovators -- Diamond Age and MINE -- may have staying power.
Together with
Builder Advisor Group
Home Tech Influencer Honored With Leaders In Other Sectors
Toll Brothers president of Smart Home Technologies Felicia Ratka recognized by Women We Admire as a Top 50 Tech leader.
Home Tech's Role In A Mix Shift From Price To Value Positioning
A one-on-one chat between Felicia Ratka, president of Toll Brothers' TBI Smart Home Solutions and Kohler director of sales Brian Humphreys points to how tech solutions have evoled as new home value drivers.

smart home
Technology 02.24.23
Trailblazer '23: Fiber-To-The Home's Door-To-Door Super Seller
Fiber to the home infrastructure and solutions is predicted to more than double, from $20 billion today to $53 billion in six years or so. Fiber Fast Homes ceo Scott Sampson has mapped out a fast-track to dominance.
Capital 10.27.22
Moment Of Proof: The Future Is Now For New Tech's Value Versus Hype
Will all of homebuilding and proptech's promising new ventures weather a shake-out due to economic turbulence? Here's why two disruptive innovators -- Diamond Age and MINE -- may have staying power.
Technology 10.14.22
Home Tech Influencer Honored With Leaders In Other Sectors
Toll Brothers president of Smart Home Technologies Felicia Ratka recognized by Women We Admire as a Top 50 Tech leader.
Products 02.16.22
Home Tech's Role In A Mix Shift From Price To Value Positioning
A one-on-one chat between Felicia Ratka, president of Toll Brothers' TBI Smart Home Solutions and Kohler director of sales Brian Humphreys points to how tech solutions have evoled as new home value drivers.