TBDsheathing and shear panel
Trailblazers '23: Horton Bets Big On Building Materials Disrupter
Affordable, sustainable, and higher-performance? Many believe they cancel one another out. Plantd brings all three to the building materials game.
LP Readies Entekra Closure As A Footnote, Hewing To Core Skills
Entekra will not be the last of casualties among building technology ground-breakers scrambling now for a nearer horizon of profitability versus a bluer sky of promise to impact transformation, affordability, sustainability, and resiliency and the like.

sheathing and shear panel
Products 07.17.23
Trailblazers '23: Horton Bets Big On Building Materials Disrupter
Affordable, sustainable, and higher-performance? Many believe they cancel one another out. Plantd brings all three to the building materials game.
Products 05.04.23
LP Readies Entekra Closure As A Footnote, Hewing To Core Skills
Entekra will not be the last of casualties among building technology ground-breakers scrambling now for a nearer horizon of profitability versus a bluer sky of promise to impact transformation, affordability, sustainability, and resiliency and the like.