Signs Of Mojo: Time To Declare Victory Or Brace For More Bumps?
Pace has begun to show up, perhaps ahead of schedule. Now what?
15 Selling Season Take-Aways: The IBS Corridor Conversations
An amalgam of hope, belief, behavioral data, and some spit and vinegar characteristic of homebuilders everywhere supports an uber spidey sense that the economy's and housing market's remaining shocks and stresses will dial the business back to circa 2018, or so. But only if ...
Spring Leaning: Pulte's Plan To Excel, Adjust, Reset, And Roll
The burning question: How it is the Pulte team manages to improve on its gross margin edge over peers, and on the other hand projects it will continue to drive pace amidst building price and margin pressures in the horizon.
Uncertainty Or Not, Trust Will Serve As A Bedrock To Recovery
Plenty of evidence could make either an optimist or a pessimist confident that he, she, they are right. The facts, in fact, tell two sharply opposing stories.
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Westwood Insurance Agency
Marketing & Sales
Buck The Trend: Find The Buyers' Whose Best Time To Buy Is Now
A "soft landing" calculus for homebuilders in 2023 – based on eventually lowering input costs, transferring some of those savings plus some gross margin points to lower asking prices, and re-securing an absorption rate – is the story many operators and principals are sticking to right now

Leadership 02.16.23
Signs Of Mojo: Time To Declare Victory Or Brace For More Bumps?
Pace has begun to show up, perhaps ahead of schedule. Now what?
Leadership 02.02.23
15 Selling Season Take-Aways: The IBS Corridor Conversations
An amalgam of hope, belief, behavioral data, and some spit and vinegar characteristic of homebuilders everywhere supports an uber spidey sense that the economy's and housing market's remaining shocks and stresses will dial the business back to circa 2018, or so. But only if ...
Leadership 02.01.23
Spring Leaning: Pulte's Plan To Excel, Adjust, Reset, And Roll
The burning question: How it is the Pulte team manages to improve on its gross margin edge over peers, and on the other hand projects it will continue to drive pace amidst building price and margin pressures in the horizon.
Leadership 01.29.23
Uncertainty Or Not, Trust Will Serve As A Bedrock To Recovery
Plenty of evidence could make either an optimist or a pessimist confident that he, she, they are right. The facts, in fact, tell two sharply opposing stories.
Marketing & Sales 01.20.23
Buck The Trend: Find The Buyers' Whose Best Time To Buy Is Now
A "soft landing" calculus for homebuilders in 2023 – based on eventually lowering input costs, transferring some of those savings plus some gross margin points to lower asking prices, and re-securing an absorption rate – is the story many operators and principals are sticking to right now