Marketing & Sales
A.I. Numbers Days Of New Home Sales Agents As 'Gatekeepers'
A deep-dive conversation with New Home Star founder David Rice on nearer-term impacts of A.I. on new home sales associates, and their role in business value creation. Get ready to pivot.
Together with
New Home Star
Marketing & Sales
New Would-Be Buyer Data Calls For New Ways To Win Them Over
Wick Marketing senior VP Barbara Wray and Audience Audit Inc. founder/president Susan Baier, recently tapped 1,350 recent buyer- and would-be buyer cohorts to learn what homebuilding sales, marketing, and customer care teams can do about the "trust gap."
Marketing & Sales
Two Little Letters - A.I. - Change Homebuilding As We Speak
Here are four examples of A.I.s immediate or near-future applicability in homebuilding sales and marketing, given that these areas are both repeatable and already well-documented in digital records.
Together with
New Home Star
Marketing & Sales
Beyond 'Order-Taker:' Sales Evolves As A Local Business Driver
Sales associates are now expected to use their knowledge of housing data, competitive research analysis, deep local community knowledge, and local economic trends to develop marketing and sales initiatives that drive results for the company.
Together with
New Home Star
How Better-Than-Expected Results Became A New Win
Outperforming expectations now qualify as chest-pumping, back-flips-worthy triumphs. Compared-with-expectations measures – particularly on the price concessions and cancellations calculus that reveals net pace – amount to an accomplishment: Less-bad is the new good.

Marketing & Sales 06.15.23
A.I. Numbers Days Of New Home Sales Agents As 'Gatekeepers'
A deep-dive conversation with New Home Star founder David Rice on nearer-term impacts of A.I. on new home sales associates, and their role in business value creation. Get ready to pivot.
Marketing & Sales 06.09.23
New Would-Be Buyer Data Calls For New Ways To Win Them Over
Wick Marketing senior VP Barbara Wray and Audience Audit Inc. founder/president Susan Baier, recently tapped 1,350 recent buyer- and would-be buyer cohorts to learn what homebuilding sales, marketing, and customer care teams can do about the "trust gap."
Marketing & Sales 05.22.23
Two Little Letters - A.I. - Change Homebuilding As We Speak
Here are four examples of A.I.s immediate or near-future applicability in homebuilding sales and marketing, given that these areas are both repeatable and already well-documented in digital records.
Marketing & Sales 05.02.23
Beyond 'Order-Taker:' Sales Evolves As A Local Business Driver
Sales associates are now expected to use their knowledge of housing data, competitive research analysis, deep local community knowledge, and local economic trends to develop marketing and sales initiatives that drive results for the company.
Leadership 03.24.23
How Better-Than-Expected Results Became A New Win
Outperforming expectations now qualify as chest-pumping, back-flips-worthy triumphs. Compared-with-expectations measures – particularly on the price concessions and cancellations calculus that reveals net pace – amount to an accomplishment: Less-bad is the new good.