New Factories Start To Resculpt Homebuilding's U.S. Landscape
No. 6 in our countdown of the macro trends transforming homebuilding forever by 2030, industrialized building will finally breakthrough as the common denominator solution for housing's affordability, talent, and climate crises.
Nexii Taps Private Placement Route To Speed Global Roll-Out
Vancouver-based construction innovator -- powered by a sustainable, resilient proprietary building material and a fresh, local approach to construction capability -- seizes its moment to claim a role in building industrialization.
Buckeye Bullseye: Howard Hughes Nets Douglas Ranch For $600M
This half-a-billion-dollar land trade just west of downtown Phoenix provides a look around the next corner at how placemaking's next new normal will work for homebuilders.
Here's Housing Leaders' Big Challenge Amid Rising Tides
Climate and flood risk tomorrow is one of housing business strategists' hardest, and ultimately, most high-reward opportunities today? Who'll strike first?

Technology 12.20.21
New Factories Start To Resculpt Homebuilding's U.S. Landscape
No. 6 in our countdown of the macro trends transforming homebuilding forever by 2030, industrialized building will finally breakthrough as the common denominator solution for housing's affordability, talent, and climate crises.
Technology 11.30.21
Nexii Taps Private Placement Route To Speed Global Roll-Out
Vancouver-based construction innovator -- powered by a sustainable, resilient proprietary building material and a fresh, local approach to construction capability -- seizes its moment to claim a role in building industrialization.
Land 10.21.21
Buckeye Bullseye: Howard Hughes Nets Douglas Ranch For $600M
This half-a-billion-dollar land trade just west of downtown Phoenix provides a look around the next corner at how placemaking's next new normal will work for homebuilders.
Policy 04.20.21
Here's Housing Leaders' Big Challenge Amid Rising Tides
Climate and flood risk tomorrow is one of housing business strategists' hardest, and ultimately, most high-reward opportunities today? Who'll strike first?