TBDone-person household

New Home Building's Collision Course With Demographics

Marketing & Sales

New Home Building's Collision Course With Demographics

Too little focus is given to the specific make-up of households — specifically, how different many of them are in composition today and what that may mean concerning household finances, household formation, family formation, and a related array of economic implications, including homeownership.

New Home Building's Collision Course With Demographics

Marketing & Sales

New Home Building's Collision Course With Demographics

Too little focus is given to the specific make-up of households — specifically, how different many of them are in composition today and what that may mean concerning household finances, household formation, family formation, and a related array of economic implications, including homeownership.

one-person household

New Home Building's Collision Course With Demographics

Marketing & Sales 05.31.24

New Home Building's Collision Course With Demographics

Too little focus is given to the specific make-up of households — specifically, how different many of them are in composition today and what that may mean concerning household finances, household formation, family formation, and a related array of economic implications, including homeownership.