Clayton Breaks New Ground As Urban Infill Builder-As-A-Service
Housing innovation doesn't just disrupt the cost of building; it disrupts the cost and value of owning.
Homebuilding’s Top 10 Trends In 2024: No. 5 Visibility’s Value
While first-cost hurdles remain a mathematical challenge to price-in would-be buyers, total lifetime value and financial constants play a key role in persuading folks to buy now.
Together with
Westwood Insurance Agency
A Thank-You To All The People Who Make New Homes A Reality
For past giants and present everyday people in homebuilding and residential development, one thing is always and forever true. There's always more to learn than the sum total of all we know from experience.
2024's Top 10 New Trends In Homebuilding: No. 2 Gen A.I.
Gen A.I. could put machine learning to work in a process builders are already working through to remove time, money, materials waste, policy burdens, and other "costs" a consumer household does not value and only does, develop, and build more precisely what consumers do value.
Together with
2024's Top 10 Trends In New Homebuilding: No. 1 Share Wars
Here's food for thought from a fresh analysis of market share – both for new vs. existing, and for large, deep-pocketed nationals vs. local and regional privately-capitalized operators. Where's all this leading?

Leadership 12.05.23
Clayton Breaks New Ground As Urban Infill Builder-As-A-Service
Housing innovation doesn't just disrupt the cost of building; it disrupts the cost and value of owning.
Leadership 11.29.23
Homebuilding’s Top 10 Trends In 2024: No. 5 Visibility’s Value
While first-cost hurdles remain a mathematical challenge to price-in would-be buyers, total lifetime value and financial constants play a key role in persuading folks to buy now.
Leadership 11.22.23
A Thank-You To All The People Who Make New Homes A Reality
For past giants and present everyday people in homebuilding and residential development, one thing is always and forever true. There's always more to learn than the sum total of all we know from experience.
Leadership 11.20.23
2024's Top 10 New Trends In Homebuilding: No. 2 Gen A.I.
Gen A.I. could put machine learning to work in a process builders are already working through to remove time, money, materials waste, policy burdens, and other "costs" a consumer household does not value and only does, develop, and build more precisely what consumers do value.
Leadership 11.17.23
2024's Top 10 Trends In New Homebuilding: No. 1 Share Wars
Here's food for thought from a fresh analysis of market share – both for new vs. existing, and for large, deep-pocketed nationals vs. local and regional privately-capitalized operators. Where's all this leading?