TBDland valuation
Houston Rocket Fuel: Starwood Pairs Up With Land Tejas MPCs
As builders and their partners search and vie for visibility and predictability in early 2022, true north will point to fewer, larger mega platform master plans and land banks. Here's a case in point.
Next-Normal Mobility Rewards Relocation, Repurpose, Reuse
No. 10 among trends that will transform homebuilding by 2030: Adaptation -- in an era defined by a pandemic virus that shows no sign it will stop making all the rules -- will reignite migration and redefine 'location, location, location.'
Will Real Estate Remap Value To Waterfront, Fire Zone Threats?
A longer tail of implied promise in property's value may begin to trigger land price adjustments, contract modifications, etc. Here's why.
land valuation
Land 01.04.22
Houston Rocket Fuel: Starwood Pairs Up With Land Tejas MPCs
As builders and their partners search and vie for visibility and predictability in early 2022, true north will point to fewer, larger mega platform master plans and land banks. Here's a case in point.
Land 12.24.21
Next-Normal Mobility Rewards Relocation, Repurpose, Reuse
No. 10 among trends that will transform homebuilding by 2030: Adaptation -- in an era defined by a pandemic virus that shows no sign it will stop making all the rules -- will reignite migration and redefine 'location, location, location.'
Land 09.24.21
Will Real Estate Remap Value To Waterfront, Fire Zone Threats?
A longer tail of implied promise in property's value may begin to trigger land price adjustments, contract modifications, etc. Here's why.