TBDland asset
Return-To-Work Measures May Stress-Test Wider-Radius Theory
In early Covid time, outer ring opportunity called like it was the Next Big Thing in residential planning and development. With the verdict still out on remote work, some bets are in question.
What Was True Then - In 2010 Housing Crisis - Is So True, Again
'We won't get fooled again,' ... well, says SLC Advisors principal Scott Cox, unless we forget what we reminded ourselves of the last time we got fooled.
The Take-Away: Scott Cox Offers 10 Gems Of Timely Wisdom And Wit
From business, investment, and real estate's rich trove of quotable quotes, Scott picks 10 of his favorites, and adds a dispassionate, clear-eyed view of how each applies to the present-day wild ride.
Will Secondary Market Magnets Redraw Big Builders' Footprints?
Engaged in a land rush to secure reliably steady supplies of lot inventory within their current network of stores, builders now face the challenge and opportunity of whether, how, when and where to expand.
Amid Market Whiplash, Sekisui House Buys Holt Homes For The Long Haul
A second-day lead analysis of the No. 1-ranked homebuilder-developer in the world's latest North American purchase, a Pacific Northwest outlier.

land asset
Land 04.11.22
Return-To-Work Measures May Stress-Test Wider-Radius Theory
In early Covid time, outer ring opportunity called like it was the Next Big Thing in residential planning and development. With the verdict still out on remote work, some bets are in question.
Land 03.21.22
What Was True Then - In 2010 Housing Crisis - Is So True, Again
'We won't get fooled again,' ... well, says SLC Advisors principal Scott Cox, unless we forget what we reminded ourselves of the last time we got fooled.
Land 03.10.22
The Take-Away: Scott Cox Offers 10 Gems Of Timely Wisdom And Wit
From business, investment, and real estate's rich trove of quotable quotes, Scott picks 10 of his favorites, and adds a dispassionate, clear-eyed view of how each applies to the present-day wild ride.
Land 02.23.22
Will Secondary Market Magnets Redraw Big Builders' Footprints?
Engaged in a land rush to secure reliably steady supplies of lot inventory within their current network of stores, builders now face the challenge and opportunity of whether, how, when and where to expand.
Leadership 01.24.22
Amid Market Whiplash, Sekisui House Buys Holt Homes For The Long Haul
A second-day lead analysis of the No. 1-ranked homebuilder-developer in the world's latest North American purchase, a Pacific Northwest outlier.