TBDland acquisition
Moving Targets: Rather Than Predict And Bet, Listen And Learn
Winners and losers in the land game are placing big money on work-from-anywhere trends that may or may not hold in a mid-term future business scenario.
Metro Magnetic: Pencilling How Much Commute Will Compute
Land acquisition strategy's challenge of the moment is to decipher signals vs. noise, reactiveness vs. initiation, impulse vs. intention as households shape geography's future.
Price-Pace Risk Is On: Where New Home Sales Is Heading
A fissure that separates homeownership opportunity and new home sales has emerged in an increasingly bubbly, frenetic demand market. Can builders build a bridge back to first-time, entry level buyers?
Mobility: What It Was, What It Is And What It May Never Be Again
Our market-rate housing business community is too enamored of trend flavor-of-the-month prognostications, self-assurances, and full-steam-ahead wagers, based largely on seat-of-the-pants reckoning and pure guesswork.
The Future Is Now: Lead, Don't Wallow
The capability challenge, our Dream Team posits, can only be solved through the embrace of data, technology, process and a pivot to collaboration in a dog-eat-dog culture.
Metro Magnetic: Pencilling How Much Commute Will Compute
Land acquisition strategy's challenge of the moment is to decipher signals vs. noise, reactiveness vs. initiation, impulse vs. intention as households shape geography's future.
land acquisition
Land 06.07.21
Moving Targets: Rather Than Predict And Bet, Listen And Learn
Winners and losers in the land game are placing big money on work-from-anywhere trends that may or may not hold in a mid-term future business scenario.
Land 06.02.21
Metro Magnetic: Pencilling How Much Commute Will Compute
Land acquisition strategy's challenge of the moment is to decipher signals vs. noise, reactiveness vs. initiation, impulse vs. intention as households shape geography's future.
Capital 05.26.21
Price-Pace Risk Is On: Where New Home Sales Is Heading
A fissure that separates homeownership opportunity and new home sales has emerged in an increasingly bubbly, frenetic demand market. Can builders build a bridge back to first-time, entry level buyers?
Land 05.25.21
Mobility: What It Was, What It Is And What It May Never Be Again
Our market-rate housing business community is too enamored of trend flavor-of-the-month prognostications, self-assurances, and full-steam-ahead wagers, based largely on seat-of-the-pants reckoning and pure guesswork.
Leadership 05.21.21
The Future Is Now: Lead, Don't Wallow
The capability challenge, our Dream Team posits, can only be solved through the embrace of data, technology, process and a pivot to collaboration in a dog-eat-dog culture.