TBDlabor capacity
The Smart Bet: Why Builders Must Invest More In Women
Labor shortages are strangling home construction, but the industry keeps overlooking its most untapped talent pool—women. It’s time, finally, for homebuilders to commit more broadly to change the game.
Brace for Impact: Builders Must Expect 2025 Supply Shocks ... Again
Strategic sourcing and supply chain sage Ken Pinto reveals how tariffs, labor policies, and thin margins could test builders’ resilience in a turbulent 2025. "Covid supply shocks were a missed opportunity."
Together with
Boise Cascade
Now Is No Time To Deplete U.S. Housing's Frontline Workforce
The Looming Threat to Home Construction: How a Mass Deportation Could Paralyze the U.S. Housing Market
Tech Hack Matches Affordable Projects With Vetted, Diverse Trades
Tough Leaf makes it easier for developers and builders to meet diversity compliance requirements while mitigating performance risks by pre-vetting the firms in the database.
Unveiling Its Latest Partnership, BTF Turns Vicious Circles Virtuous
Hatching a new community-level alliance with the US Army Reserve Private Public Partnership Office, Building Talent Foundation aims to push solving housing's human talent challenge as a step toward solving to all of housing's other crises.

labor capacity
Leadership 03.07.25
The Smart Bet: Why Builders Must Invest More In Women
Labor shortages are strangling home construction, but the industry keeps overlooking its most untapped talent pool—women. It’s time, finally, for homebuilders to commit more broadly to change the game.
Products 12.13.24
Brace for Impact: Builders Must Expect 2025 Supply Shocks ... Again
Strategic sourcing and supply chain sage Ken Pinto reveals how tariffs, labor policies, and thin margins could test builders’ resilience in a turbulent 2025. "Covid supply shocks were a missed opportunity."
Policy 10.11.24
Now Is No Time To Deplete U.S. Housing's Frontline Workforce
The Looming Threat to Home Construction: How a Mass Deportation Could Paralyze the U.S. Housing Market
Technology 02.16.24
Tech Hack Matches Affordable Projects With Vetted, Diverse Trades
Tough Leaf makes it easier for developers and builders to meet diversity compliance requirements while mitigating performance risks by pre-vetting the firms in the database.
Leadership 11.10.23
Unveiling Its Latest Partnership, BTF Turns Vicious Circles Virtuous
Hatching a new community-level alliance with the US Army Reserve Private Public Partnership Office, Building Talent Foundation aims to push solving housing's human talent challenge as a step toward solving to all of housing's other crises.