TBDHurdle Rates
The Elephant In The Land Acq Room: Underwriting For Inflation
We need to underwrite where we would operate today on present conditions, which hopefully is a floor under our speculative ceiling.
The New Math: The 5 Metrics To Get Right For Success In 2024
During the period since the Global Financial Crisis, the underlying math of the homebuilding and residential development business has changed in ways I am not sure has been thought through by all participants.
Laser-Focused Opportunism Seen As Strategic Plan Of Action
On the plus side for a "growth" strategy, present absorption rates, pricing trends, and traffic, and interest have arced determinedly upward through April.
Together with
Builder Advisor Group
Build-To-Rent Diamonds In The Rough: Product, Place, Timing
The Builder's Daily unpacks a recent Phoenix-area build-to-rent $186 million two-asset deal to underscore what sets these high-stakes build-to-rent ventures apart from one another in a more adverse financial environment.

Hurdle Rates
Land 07.17.24
The Elephant In The Land Acq Room: Underwriting For Inflation
We need to underwrite where we would operate today on present conditions, which hopefully is a floor under our speculative ceiling.
Land 12.15.23
The New Math: The 5 Metrics To Get Right For Success In 2024
During the period since the Global Financial Crisis, the underlying math of the homebuilding and residential development business has changed in ways I am not sure has been thought through by all participants.
Land 05.23.23
Laser-Focused Opportunism Seen As Strategic Plan Of Action
On the plus side for a "growth" strategy, present absorption rates, pricing trends, and traffic, and interest have arced determinedly upward through April.
Land 07.05.22
Build-To-Rent Diamonds In The Rough: Product, Place, Timing
The Builder's Daily unpacks a recent Phoenix-area build-to-rent $186 million two-asset deal to underscore what sets these high-stakes build-to-rent ventures apart from one another in a more adverse financial environment.