TBDhuman capital
Homebuilding's Talent Compensation New Normal: Talent Over Dirt
Exclusive: The 2024 FTS Compensation Report reveals why people-first investments drive resilience in today’s land-light operational and capital investment models.
Together with
Why We're So Excited Cory Boydston Will Join Us In Austin In October
Boydston, a homebuilding living legend and mentor, will help kick off and catalyze our Focus On Excellence leadership summit and workshop, Oct. 28-30. Here's what she has to say about it.
Squeezed On Three Fronts, Private Builders Pare Back Staff
An operator's ability to achieve, improve, and sustain higher performance in today's market can mean more than reductions in force to harden and future-proof the business for uncertainty.
Together with
Tapping Linda Mamet As EVP, Tri Pointe's Tech-Fueled Future Accelerates
"We can now focus fully on ideas like a single source of truth. This means holistic integrations among our platforms – where information moves meaningfully in real-time, back-and-forth between what the customer is doing and what we are doing internally." -- Linda Mamet, EVP, Tri Pointe Homes
A Downshift In Job Growth Is A Moment To Up The Ante On People
Investing in capability now – wisely, precisely, and aggressively – will ward off risk and ignite opportunity just as materially as today's land investments will drive new levels of scale and growth.

human capital
Leadership 11.26.24
Homebuilding's Talent Compensation New Normal: Talent Over Dirt
Exclusive: The 2024 FTS Compensation Report reveals why people-first investments drive resilience in today’s land-light operational and capital investment models.
Leadership 08.16.24
Why We're So Excited Cory Boydston Will Join Us In Austin In October
Boydston, a homebuilding living legend and mentor, will help kick off and catalyze our Focus On Excellence leadership summit and workshop, Oct. 28-30. Here's what she has to say about it.
Leadership 06.14.24
Squeezed On Three Fronts, Private Builders Pare Back Staff
An operator's ability to achieve, improve, and sustain higher performance in today's market can mean more than reductions in force to harden and future-proof the business for uncertainty.
Leadership 06.13.24
Tapping Linda Mamet As EVP, Tri Pointe's Tech-Fueled Future Accelerates
"We can now focus fully on ideas like a single source of truth. This means holistic integrations among our platforms – where information moves meaningfully in real-time, back-and-forth between what the customer is doing and what we are doing internally." -- Linda Mamet, EVP, Tri Pointe Homes
Leadership 05.03.24
A Downshift In Job Growth Is A Moment To Up The Ante On People
Investing in capability now – wisely, precisely, and aggressively – will ward off risk and ignite opportunity just as materially as today's land investments will drive new levels of scale and growth.