TBDhouse prices
Marketing & Sales
Bubble? No Bubble? Sometimes You Just Have To Trust Your Gut
By-the-numbers takes a more personal turn, to see the writing on the wall. When there's a disparity between housing economic models and common sense, it may be that the models aren't up to the task.
With The Jury Out, Here's What Housing's Leaders Can Dial In
As business leaders in real estate and construction up their game to adapt and improve operational performance, it's also a time to prepare to weather downstream challenges. Here's how.
Priority #1 Amid Economic, Policy, Supply Upheaval: Customers
Your homebuying consumers may pay higher prices for all durables -- including new homes -- in the months ahead. But it's the wrong time to deemphasize focus on what they value. That's where imagination plays a role.
Don't Get Fooled By A Myth Of A Helpless Buyer; Listen To Yours
With apologies to Mark Twain, rumors of the demise of consumer households' market power in residential real estate are premature. Stay alert for a waking giant. Here's how and why.
The Kitchen Table Lens: Builders' Pricing Strategies For 2022
Headline risks of price inflation and longer-haul supply chokeholds notwithstanding, here's how you might frame your pricing strategy for an extended stretch of limbo.
house prices
Marketing & Sales 03.07.22
Bubble? No Bubble? Sometimes You Just Have To Trust Your Gut
By-the-numbers takes a more personal turn, to see the writing on the wall. When there's a disparity between housing economic models and common sense, it may be that the models aren't up to the task.
Leadership 03.02.22
With The Jury Out, Here's What Housing's Leaders Can Dial In
As business leaders in real estate and construction up their game to adapt and improve operational performance, it's also a time to prepare to weather downstream challenges. Here's how.
Leadership 11.22.21
Priority #1 Amid Economic, Policy, Supply Upheaval: Customers
Your homebuying consumers may pay higher prices for all durables -- including new homes -- in the months ahead. But it's the wrong time to deemphasize focus on what they value. That's where imagination plays a role.
Leadership 11.15.21
Don't Get Fooled By A Myth Of A Helpless Buyer; Listen To Yours
With apologies to Mark Twain, rumors of the demise of consumer households' market power in residential real estate are premature. Stay alert for a waking giant. Here's how and why.
Leadership 11.10.21
The Kitchen Table Lens: Builders' Pricing Strategies For 2022
Headline risks of price inflation and longer-haul supply chokeholds notwithstanding, here's how you might frame your pricing strategy for an extended stretch of limbo.