TBDhomebuilding purchasing
Chain Of Command: Ken Pinto's Q2 LBM Commodities Analysis
‘Where there’s mystery, there’s money,' according to TBD contributor Ken Pinto. Here’s why paying attention to commodity pricing pays off for homebuilding companies.
Together with
Boise Cascade
Q1 Commodity Report Hints At Higher Prices On The Horizon
A look at March 2024 commodity tracking data provides homebuilders with insights to guide their predictive analysis processes. Here are the pressure points.
A.I.-Fueled Supply Chain Control Can Drive Building Affordably
When the procure-to-pay (P2P) process is digitized, A.I. can quickly analyze the resulting data, find anomalies, and develop process improvement team mandates to tackle and drive potential improvements. The efficiency factor is known.

homebuilding purchasing
Products 07.24.24
Chain Of Command: Ken Pinto's Q2 LBM Commodities Analysis
‘Where there’s mystery, there’s money,' according to TBD contributor Ken Pinto. Here’s why paying attention to commodity pricing pays off for homebuilding companies.
Products 06.06.24
Q1 Commodity Report Hints At Higher Prices On The Horizon
A look at March 2024 commodity tracking data provides homebuilders with insights to guide their predictive analysis processes. Here are the pressure points.
Products 04.17.24
A.I.-Fueled Supply Chain Control Can Drive Building Affordably
When the procure-to-pay (P2P) process is digitized, A.I. can quickly analyze the resulting data, find anomalies, and develop process improvement team mandates to tackle and drive potential improvements. The efficiency factor is known.