TBDhomebuilding land acquisition news

Land-Light, Born Of Necessity, Comes Of Age As Opportunity


Land-Light, Born Of Necessity, Comes Of Age As Opportunity

If you understand the why of “asset light,” there is a long list of homebuilding companies that need help. Land strategist Scott Finfer explains.

Land-Light, Born Of Necessity, Comes Of Age As Opportunity


Land-Light, Born Of Necessity, Comes Of Age As Opportunity

If you understand the why of “asset light,” there is a long list of homebuilding companies that need help. Land strategist Scott Finfer explains.

homebuilding land acquisition news

Land-Light, Born Of Necessity, Comes Of Age As Opportunity

Land 03.11.25

Land-Light, Born Of Necessity, Comes Of Age As Opportunity

If you understand the why of “asset light,” there is a long list of homebuilding companies that need help. Land strategist Scott Finfer explains.