TBDfirst-time buyer
Agility Wins: Builders Rethink Designs To Help Cut Costs
Homebuilders opt for easy-to-install materials and implement strategic design adjustments to make homes more efficient and accessible to first-time buyers.
Together with
John Burns Research & Consulting
Holiday Builders' New Inspire Line Faces Affordability Challenge Head-On
One of the critical challenges Holiday Builders faced was balancing affordability with the need for operational efficiency. Holiday's Inspire homes are built using a streamlined construction process, designed to reduce variability and increase predictability.
Risky Business: How Trust Can Offset Angst Buying A New Home
For new-home buyers – especially those experiencing the rite of passage into homeownership for the first time – trust and risk are entangled in a present full of uncertainty and volatility.
Together with
Westwood Insurance Agency
Adapting To Evolving Challenge On The Home Insurance Front
Home Builders: Pioneer the future of homes and homebuying with these four market-tested strategies.
Together with
Westwood Insurance Agency
Homebuyers Face Insurance Hurdles. Here’s A Path Forward
Especially among all-important entry-level, first-time homebuyers, the certainty and transparency of an ‘embedded’ homeowners insurance solution offer a beacon of hope.
Together with
Westwood Insurance Agency

first-time buyer
Architecture 11.20.24
Agility Wins: Builders Rethink Designs To Help Cut Costs
Homebuilders opt for easy-to-install materials and implement strategic design adjustments to make homes more efficient and accessible to first-time buyers.
Architecture 10.01.24
Holiday Builders' New Inspire Line Faces Affordability Challenge Head-On
One of the critical challenges Holiday Builders faced was balancing affordability with the need for operational efficiency. Holiday's Inspire homes are built using a streamlined construction process, designed to reduce variability and increase predictability.
Leadership 06.05.24
Risky Business: How Trust Can Offset Angst Buying A New Home
For new-home buyers – especially those experiencing the rite of passage into homeownership for the first time – trust and risk are entangled in a present full of uncertainty and volatility.
Leadership 05.07.24
Adapting To Evolving Challenge On The Home Insurance Front
Home Builders: Pioneer the future of homes and homebuying with these four market-tested strategies.
Leadership 03.07.24
Homebuyers Face Insurance Hurdles. Here’s A Path Forward
Especially among all-important entry-level, first-time homebuyers, the certainty and transparency of an ‘embedded’ homeowners insurance solution offer a beacon of hope.