TBDERP/supply chain managment
Whether Good Signs Build Mojo Or Return To Hibernation, Prepare
All a strategist can do now is to recognize the hard work and thus far successful efforts of their teams in the face of stiff headwinds, and brace for what's ahead, come what may.
Together with
Constellation HomeBuilder Systems
Brookfield Residential CIO Brandon Sharp On Why Data Matters Now
Sharp joins Constellation Homebuilder Systems Paolo Benzan in a deep dive on why clean, realtime, company-wide data may make a crucial difference through a period of turbulence, and the recovery to come.
Together with
Constellation HomeBuilder Systems
An Industry First: A Common Data Model Ties Knowledge To Action
A Homebuilder Common Data Model would offer a data dictionary platform that could power builders with reporting, analytics, and dashboards, as well as benchmarks to compare their performance regionally.
Together with
Constellation HomeBuilder Systems
Lowe's, Home Depot Deepen Reach Into Big Builder Solutions
Jockeying for position among homebuilders now -- as builders look to arbitrage suppliers for quick and lasting cost cutting opportunity -- pro dealer giants may presage a more strategic role as a capability solution beyond the downturn.
Together with
Constellation HomeBuilder Systems
The Art Of Concessions Meets The Science Of Build-Cycle Data
Finding a pricing floor means building that floor on a solid foundation of more predictable inputs, and more reliable construction cycle schedules ... converting time gained from reduced volume into money.
Together with
Constellation HomeBuilder Systems

ERP/supply chain managment
Technology 02.22.23
Whether Good Signs Build Mojo Or Return To Hibernation, Prepare
All a strategist can do now is to recognize the hard work and thus far successful efforts of their teams in the face of stiff headwinds, and brace for what's ahead, come what may.
Technology 12.21.22
Brookfield Residential CIO Brandon Sharp On Why Data Matters Now
Sharp joins Constellation Homebuilder Systems Paolo Benzan in a deep dive on why clean, realtime, company-wide data may make a crucial difference through a period of turbulence, and the recovery to come.
Technology 11.02.22
An Industry First: A Common Data Model Ties Knowledge To Action
A Homebuilder Common Data Model would offer a data dictionary platform that could power builders with reporting, analytics, and dashboards, as well as benchmarks to compare their performance regionally.
Products 10.19.22
Lowe's, Home Depot Deepen Reach Into Big Builder Solutions
Jockeying for position among homebuilders now -- as builders look to arbitrage suppliers for quick and lasting cost cutting opportunity -- pro dealer giants may presage a more strategic role as a capability solution beyond the downturn.
Technology 10.05.22
The Art Of Concessions Meets The Science Of Build-Cycle Data
Finding a pricing floor means building that floor on a solid foundation of more predictable inputs, and more reliable construction cycle schedules ... converting time gained from reduced volume into money.