How To Remap Residential Projects To Avoid Entitlement Risk
As localities seize ever greater powers to stop, stall, or support new home and community development, new approaches to sustained investment in local quality of life may offer ways forward.
Nashville Plats: Module's Platform To Power Urban Core Cottage Cluster
Here's what life in the upzone might look like if more downtown urban core areas drop restrictive land-use obstacles, and explore a more expansive and inclusive 'equity box.'

Land 04.18.22
How To Remap Residential Projects To Avoid Entitlement Risk
As localities seize ever greater powers to stop, stall, or support new home and community development, new approaches to sustained investment in local quality of life may offer ways forward.
Land 08.13.21
Nashville Plats: Module's Platform To Power Urban Core Cottage Cluster
Here's what life in the upzone might look like if more downtown urban core areas drop restrictive land-use obstacles, and explore a more expansive and inclusive 'equity box.'