Wellness & The Built Environment
Rezoned For A Future That Bridges Timely, Timeless Values
Nolen Communities put in the work to turn a coastal California site into a thriving 20-acre agrihood, Fox Point Farms.
Inclusionary Housing: Affordability Crisis Solution Or Policy Mirage?
Scott Cox examines fresh data evidence underlying one of U.S. localities' widely trending housing attainability policy -- and electability -- strategies. Here is his take on five better ways to make progress.
Trailblazers '23: Frolic Resets Property's Value Creation Model
A property owner's ability to generate added revenue is at least part of the equation of bending cost curves down and human capability curves up to put more of America's total universe into a surer, safer way into decent housing access.
Value Engineering Is Only Partly About Design And Price ... It's A Strategy
Tactics and tailwinds – necessary and successful as they've been in stemming what could have been a rout from the start of 2023 – amount to this: They've bought builders time.
Why Affordable Housing's Negative Feedback Loop Goes On And On
Mail a copy of this Scott Cox 'Letter' to your Local, County, And State elected representatives and agency officials

Wellness & The Built Environment 08.20.24
Rezoned For A Future That Bridges Timely, Timeless Values
Nolen Communities put in the work to turn a coastal California site into a thriving 20-acre agrihood, Fox Point Farms.
Policy 04.29.24
Inclusionary Housing: Affordability Crisis Solution Or Policy Mirage?
Scott Cox examines fresh data evidence underlying one of U.S. localities' widely trending housing attainability policy -- and electability -- strategies. Here is his take on five better ways to make progress.
Policy 10.17.23
Trailblazers '23: Frolic Resets Property's Value Creation Model
A property owner's ability to generate added revenue is at least part of the equation of bending cost curves down and human capability curves up to put more of America's total universe into a surer, safer way into decent housing access.
Architecture 05.01.23
Value Engineering Is Only Partly About Design And Price ... It's A Strategy
Tactics and tailwinds – necessary and successful as they've been in stemming what could have been a rout from the start of 2023 – amount to this: They've bought builders time.
Policy 05.10.22
Why Affordable Housing's Negative Feedback Loop Goes On And On
Mail a copy of this Scott Cox 'Letter' to your Local, County, And State elected representatives and agency officials