Marketing & Sales
Demographic Shifts Reshape Homebuilding and Development Strategies
How migration trends, immigration, population declines, and housing shortages will reshape business models for homebuilders and developers in the next decade.
Marketing & Sales
New Home Building's Collision Course With Demographics
Too little focus is given to the specific make-up of households — specifically, how different many of them are in composition today and what that may mean concerning household finances, household formation, family formation, and a related array of economic implications, including homeownership.
Marketing & Sales
The Boom is Here, The Boom Is Now—What's Next For Builders?
The massive 55+ population and the high stakes of living to 100 offer immense opportunities for developers and homebuilders.
Texas Two-Step: An Organic-M&A Expansion Into San Antone
Huntsville, AL-based Davidson Homes acquires San Antonio-based Kindred Homes' assets for an immediate sales boost, and separately secures control of a total of 1,000 lots and sets up market leadership to fast-track future market share growth in a hot local economy.
Landsea Adds Colorado To Its Map With Richfield Homes Deal
Another week, another deal as homebuilding's M&A juggernaut grinds forward, reshaping the new residential real estate and construction balances of power.
Together with

Marketing & Sales 09.24.24
Demographic Shifts Reshape Homebuilding and Development Strategies
How migration trends, immigration, population declines, and housing shortages will reshape business models for homebuilders and developers in the next decade.
Marketing & Sales 05.31.24
New Home Building's Collision Course With Demographics
Too little focus is given to the specific make-up of households — specifically, how different many of them are in composition today and what that may mean concerning household finances, household formation, family formation, and a related array of economic implications, including homeownership.
Marketing & Sales 12.19.23
The Boom is Here, The Boom Is Now—What's Next For Builders?
The massive 55+ population and the high stakes of living to 100 offer immense opportunities for developers and homebuilders.
Land 11.02.23
Texas Two-Step: An Organic-M&A Expansion Into San Antone
Huntsville, AL-based Davidson Homes acquires San Antonio-based Kindred Homes' assets for an immediate sales boost, and separately secures control of a total of 1,000 lots and sets up market leadership to fast-track future market share growth in a hot local economy.
Land 10.18.23
Landsea Adds Colorado To Its Map With Richfield Homes Deal
Another week, another deal as homebuilding's M&A juggernaut grinds forward, reshaping the new residential real estate and construction balances of power.