TBDconstruction technology
25 Finalists Recognized For Ivory Innovations' Annual Prize
Innovators demonstrated capability and commitment to housing innovation with feasible, scalable, and ambitious approaches to critical challenges faced by builders, residents, and communities nationwide.
Tech Hack Matches Affordable Projects With Vetted, Diverse Trades
Tough Leaf makes it easier for developers and builders to meet diversity compliance requirements while mitigating performance risks by pre-vetting the firms in the database.
What Higharc's New $53 Million Series B Round Will Power In 2024
We talk with Higharc's co-founders on what the latest significant capital infusion will mean for an enterprise tapping A.I. to help homebuilders transform how they design, sell, and build new homes and neighborhoods.
'No Need To Change:' The Big Barriers To Homes Of The Future
If "no need to change; site built homes work fine for us" is such a strong de-motivator among homebuilders to cross the Rubicon into the future of housing, what does that say about the present and future business viability of vaunted construction tech start-ups?
Flawless Execution Will Divide 2024's Winners From Losers
Six operational imperatives will build flexibility and optionality into homebuilding firms' near- and mid-term capacity to withstand both continued volatility and turbulence regarding demand and ongoing supply constraints.
Together with

construction technology
Leadership 02.21.24
25 Finalists Recognized For Ivory Innovations' Annual Prize
Innovators demonstrated capability and commitment to housing innovation with feasible, scalable, and ambitious approaches to critical challenges faced by builders, residents, and communities nationwide.
Technology 02.16.24
Tech Hack Matches Affordable Projects With Vetted, Diverse Trades
Tough Leaf makes it easier for developers and builders to meet diversity compliance requirements while mitigating performance risks by pre-vetting the firms in the database.
Technology 02.15.24
What Higharc's New $53 Million Series B Round Will Power In 2024
We talk with Higharc's co-founders on what the latest significant capital infusion will mean for an enterprise tapping A.I. to help homebuilders transform how they design, sell, and build new homes and neighborhoods.
Technology 02.12.24
'No Need To Change:' The Big Barriers To Homes Of The Future
If "no need to change; site built homes work fine for us" is such a strong de-motivator among homebuilders to cross the Rubicon into the future of housing, what does that say about the present and future business viability of vaunted construction tech start-ups?
Technology 12.22.23
Flawless Execution Will Divide 2024's Winners From Losers
Six operational imperatives will build flexibility and optionality into homebuilding firms' near- and mid-term capacity to withstand both continued volatility and turbulence regarding demand and ongoing supply constraints.