TBDartificial intelligence
What Higharc's New $53 Million Series B Round Will Power In 2024
We talk with Higharc's co-founders on what the latest significant capital infusion will mean for an enterprise tapping A.I. to help homebuilders transform how they design, sell, and build new homes and neighborhoods.
This A.I.-Powered Decision Platform Hacks Local Land Value Cycle
Arx automates the ability to underwrite the future potential of millions of properties in advance, enabling developers, investors, and agents to source and evaluate optimal investment and development opportunities in seconds.
Getting Beyond The A.I. Hype: Tips From A Long-Trusted Advisor
“It's the 80-20 rule. People who are willing to change – they'll grasp it quickly. Other people will not grasp it until they have to, or because they're forced to, or it becomes the norm. They won’t be the leaders or the most successful." -- Al Trellis
2024's Top 10 New Trends In Homebuilding: No. 2 Gen A.I.
Gen A.I. could put machine learning to work in a process builders are already working through to remove time, money, materials waste, policy burdens, and other "costs" a consumer household does not value and only does, develop, and build more precisely what consumers do value.
Together with
Teaming Up In A Quest To Ignite Homebuilding Data's Real Power
GAF parent Standard Industries, Home Depot Ventures, and Carl Bass invest to put Higharc's generative design solution for homebuilding partners on a digital transformation fast-track.

artificial intelligence
Technology 02.15.24
What Higharc's New $53 Million Series B Round Will Power In 2024
We talk with Higharc's co-founders on what the latest significant capital infusion will mean for an enterprise tapping A.I. to help homebuilders transform how they design, sell, and build new homes and neighborhoods.
Technology 01.19.24
This A.I.-Powered Decision Platform Hacks Local Land Value Cycle
Arx automates the ability to underwrite the future potential of millions of properties in advance, enabling developers, investors, and agents to source and evaluate optimal investment and development opportunities in seconds.
Technology 12.10.23
Getting Beyond The A.I. Hype: Tips From A Long-Trusted Advisor
“It's the 80-20 rule. People who are willing to change – they'll grasp it quickly. Other people will not grasp it until they have to, or because they're forced to, or it becomes the norm. They won’t be the leaders or the most successful." -- Al Trellis
Leadership 11.20.23
2024's Top 10 New Trends In Homebuilding: No. 2 Gen A.I.
Gen A.I. could put machine learning to work in a process builders are already working through to remove time, money, materials waste, policy burdens, and other "costs" a consumer household does not value and only does, develop, and build more precisely what consumers do value.
Architecture 07.18.23
Teaming Up In A Quest To Ignite Homebuilding Data's Real Power
GAF parent Standard Industries, Home Depot Ventures, and Carl Bass invest to put Higharc's generative design solution for homebuilding partners on a digital transformation fast-track.