'Do We Really Want To Add Housing Attainability Solutions?'
Scott Cox challenges leaders across the private sector, government, and communities to confront an uncomfortable truth: America’s housing crisis may not stem from a lack of solutions, but from a lack of will.
Homebuilders Need This Skillset To Thrive Amidst 2020s Challenges
The chronic challenge homebuilding organizations can solve with greater skill, commitment, and investment as an operational competency: Local land-use, zoning, entitlement, permitting risk and regulation.
How To Maximize Incentives And Value For Energy-Efficient New Homes
Engaging with energy efficiency experts can help unlock myriad benefits for new-home builders.
A Single-Source-Of-Truth For Homelessness Solutions-Seekers
Ivory Innovations' House Party podcast features an up-close and personal conversation with Tiffany Pang, Chief Executive Officer at Outreach Grid, on how she focuses on combating homelessness with data.
Clayton Breaks New Ground As Urban Infill Builder-As-A-Service
Housing innovation doesn't just disrupt the cost of building; it disrupts the cost and value of owning.
Digging Into A Plan For Zoning, With Author Nolan Gray
A look at how the next generation of housing needs to look different and the way we think about zoning can help with that shift.