Marketing & Sales
Ignite Power In A Place: Invite People Into A Neverending Story
In architect Kevin E. Kelley’s book, he outlines the value of place and shares how homebuilders and developers can create places that continuously evolve within new-home communities.
Today's Edge Goes To Builder Players With Time On Their Side
Despite our confidence in what we know and how certain we are of our predictions coming true, it's always uncannily the case that "time discovers truth."
How Better-Than-Expected Results Became A New Win
Outperforming expectations now qualify as chest-pumping, back-flips-worthy triumphs. Compared-with-expectations measures – particularly on the price concessions and cancellations calculus that reveals net pace – amount to an accomplishment: Less-bad is the new good.
Marketing & Sales
Volatility And The Myth Of Predictive Customer Data: A Tactical Alternative
A relatively better-than-expected and improving outlook among homebuilders – based on conditions and order trends and traffic and other tips builders get into the strength of their demand – may add up to yesterday's news.
A Start To Healing Rampant Crises Of Confidence: Focus On Making Places Safer
Running through the present, even scoping to a close-up on homebuilders' Spring Selling season – with countless sources in the past and countless future destinations – streams a stack of crises of confidence, riding piggy-back on one another.
Marketing & Sales
Spring Selling 2023: Is This Time Different? Please Do Tell
For just the second time, The Builder's Daily asks you to tell us your view of how Spring Selling Season and the balance of 2023 will work out. Please take five minutes to respond to our survey here.
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