TBD Marketing & Sales

Demystifying post-COVID customers means sailing uncharted seas of engagement, nurturing, service and delight. It's also the key to success.

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The New Geography Of The U.S. New-Home Affordability Crisis

Marketing & Sales

The New Geography Of The U.S. New-Home Affordability Crisis

The widening affordability gap is hitting hardest in unexpected places, with Mountain West cities experiencing the steepest price hikes. A new ULI index reveals how these overlooked metros struggle to keep up with demand, reshaping the geography of housing challenges in America.

How An Innovative Homebuilder Raises Customers' Path Of Value


How An Innovative Homebuilder Raises Customers' Path Of Value

When it comes to developing, designing, building, marketing, and selling new homes in new-home communities, the challenge is not just better and more valuable homes and communities, but "better and more valuable customers."

How To Become A.I. Fluent For Today's New Home Sales Arena

Marketing & Sales

How To Become A.I. Fluent For Today's New Home Sales Arena

Training A.I.s to perform and evolve in vertical domain-specific areas of homebuilding and real estate development is already well along in motion. Here's an example.

A.I. Numbers Days Of New Home Sales Agents As 'Gatekeepers'

Marketing & Sales

A.I. Numbers Days Of New Home Sales Agents As 'Gatekeepers'

A deep-dive conversation with New Home Star founder David Rice on nearer-term impacts of A.I. on new home sales associates, and their role in business value creation. Get ready to pivot.

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New Home Star

New Would-Be Buyer Data Calls For New Ways To Win Them Over

Marketing & Sales

New Would-Be Buyer Data Calls For New Ways To Win Them Over

Wick Marketing senior VP Barbara Wray and Audience Audit Inc. founder/president Susan Baier, recently tapped 1,350 recent buyer- and would-be buyer cohorts to learn what homebuilding sales, marketing, and customer care teams can do about the "trust gap."

It's About Time, A Timeless Core Customer Value Builders Offer

Marketing & Sales

It's About Time, A Timeless Core Customer Value Builders Offer

Time's role, to keep everything from occurring simultaneously, seems to be vulnerable to the race of technology, events, and a riptide of environmental, social, and cultural turbulence. This endows a home and the neighborhood and community a family calls home with all the more meaning.

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New Home Star

The New Geography Of The U.S. New-Home Affordability Crisis

Marketing & Sales

The New Geography Of The U.S. New-Home Affordability Crisis

The widening affordability gap is hitting hardest in unexpected places, with Mountain West cities experiencing the steepest price hikes. A new ULI index reveals how these overlooked metros struggle to keep up with demand, reshaping the geography of housing challenges in America.

How An Innovative Homebuilder Raises Customers' Path Of Value


How An Innovative Homebuilder Raises Customers' Path Of Value

When it comes to developing, designing, building, marketing, and selling new homes in new-home communities, the challenge is not just better and more valuable homes and communities, but "better and more valuable customers."

How To Become A.I. Fluent For Today's New Home Sales Arena

Marketing & Sales

How To Become A.I. Fluent For Today's New Home Sales Arena

Training A.I.s to perform and evolve in vertical domain-specific areas of homebuilding and real estate development is already well along in motion. Here's an example.

A.I. Numbers Days Of New Home Sales Agents As 'Gatekeepers'

Marketing & Sales

A.I. Numbers Days Of New Home Sales Agents As 'Gatekeepers'

A deep-dive conversation with New Home Star founder David Rice on nearer-term impacts of A.I. on new home sales associates, and their role in business value creation. Get ready to pivot.

Together with

New Home Star

New Would-Be Buyer Data Calls For New Ways To Win Them Over

Marketing & Sales

New Would-Be Buyer Data Calls For New Ways To Win Them Over

Wick Marketing senior VP Barbara Wray and Audience Audit Inc. founder/president Susan Baier, recently tapped 1,350 recent buyer- and would-be buyer cohorts to learn what homebuilding sales, marketing, and customer care teams can do about the "trust gap."

It's About Time, A Timeless Core Customer Value Builders Offer

Marketing & Sales

It's About Time, A Timeless Core Customer Value Builders Offer

Time's role, to keep everything from occurring simultaneously, seems to be vulnerable to the race of technology, events, and a riptide of environmental, social, and cultural turbulence. This endows a home and the neighborhood and community a family calls home with all the more meaning.

Together with

New Home Star