The Smart Bet: Why Builders Must Invest More In Women
Labor shortages are strangling home construction, but the industry keeps overlooking its most untapped talent pool—women. It’s time, finally, for homebuilders to commit more broadly to change the game.
Material Crisis Can Pivot Into Material Opportunity: Here's How
Choked off supply – like now, where at every turn, fatal-error bottlenecks, with temporary but indefinite timelines for restoration of normalized channel volume, clog visibility – can and will quell demand. Where's the opportunity?
RIP Katerra: A Bold Play That Failed To Get A Real-World Footing
A TBD exclusive analysis: here are three why's of Katerra's fail, and three critical take-aways that builders need for their own survival in the future of housing.
Chain Reaction: How Will Builders Respond To Input Pressures?
Back-half margin compression looks likely as homebuilders absorb input cost spikes and hit selling price push-back.
The Future Is Now: Lead, Don't Wallow
The capability challenge, our Dream Team posits, can only be solved through the embrace of data, technology, process and a pivot to collaboration in a dog-eat-dog culture.
Lose the Battle, Lose the War: Solutions to the Labor Crisis
In Part 2 of Capability and Culture, our Dream Team measures the ramifications of construction's labor crisis, and how the consequences of this seemingly insurmountable challenge may be the catalyst needed to embrace innovation.