The Smart Bet: Why Builders Must Invest More In Women
Labor shortages are strangling home construction, but the industry keeps overlooking its most untapped talent pool—women. It’s time, finally, for homebuilders to commit more broadly to change the game.
Sticker Shock Has Brought Down Titans Before ... It Can Do So Again
Builders -- whether they want to or not -- are testing price elasticity limits of customers. Those customers have a known history of changing their behavior when costs exceed their tolerance point. Here's how.
As Stresses Pile Up, People Mean More Than Ever As Ways Forward
None of today's array of risks, threats, and challenges is insurmountable if leaders sustain the trust, resolve, and focus of team members.
A Spectre Of Back-Charges Challenges Builder Performance
Who will pay for all the variations to original purchase order agreements and deliveries amidst supply chain chaos? Where field challenges roll up to business risks.
Fits And Starts: Housing Business Leaders' Biggest Risk
Looming underneath housing's present-day struggles with its construction supply chain, the issue of supply itself. Fixing the supply chain won't fix that. Here's what might.
Bumpier Times As Market Forces Stress-Test Solid Fundamentals
P4 -- a fourth revision to 2021 budget and operational forecasts -- needs to reflect shifts from tailwinds to headwinds before 'actuals' start comping to booming 2020 measures.