Homebuilders Face 2025's New Reality: Certainty Sells Homes
Rising home insurance costs are no longer just a buyer concern — they’re reshaping the homebuilding business. Builders who eliminate cost surprises, embed insurance into their process, and assess risk early will be the ones closing deals in today’s uncertain market.
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Westwood Insurance Agency
Value-Adds For New Home Tech: Loss Reduction, Lower Premium, Peace Of Mind
New homes tend now to include as a non-negotiable standard a smart-home suite of services. Fact is, as they evolve, those smart home devices have emerged as more than “nice-to-have” convenience solutions.
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Westwood Insurance Agency
The Builder's Daily Readers Say They're Up To '23's Challenges
Three out of four respondents in our survey two weeks ago see a housing market on the rebound, righting itself relatively quickly.
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How Better-Than-Expected Results Became A New Win
Outperforming expectations now qualify as chest-pumping, back-flips-worthy triumphs. Compared-with-expectations measures – particularly on the price concessions and cancellations calculus that reveals net pace – amount to an accomplishment: Less-bad is the new good.
RIFs Alone Won't Outrun Revenue Loss. Here's An Option
The way layoffs work is that the loss in capability – i.e. revenue reduction – often eclipses any gains in margin protection. This sets a Catch-22 of racing-to-the-bottom in motion that it's hard to stop unless economic and demand tides turn and start raising "all boats."
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1st-Mover Lennar Continues To Set Pace, Starts As Cash Drivers
Lennar's core strategy to fuse price, pace, and production at a volume level that remains consistent maps the enterprise to fill the present market's dire unmet need, and the future market's most explosive growth opportunity.