KB Home Guidance Cut Bodes Sharper Sector Challenges Ahead
In a reflection of broader market tensions, KB Home — following on an earlier lowered guidance from Lennar — drastically revises its 2025 outlook downward amid weakening consumer confidence and escalating costs.
How An Innovative Homebuilder Raises Customers' Path Of Value
When it comes to developing, designing, building, marketing, and selling new homes in new-home communities, the challenge is not just better and more valuable homes and communities, but "better and more valuable customers."
C-Level Set: Homebuilding's Top Strategists' 2022 Pay Packages
20 public homebuilding companies' chief strategists -- 28 C-suite executives in all -- earned $424 million in 2022 cash, stock, options, perq compensation. Here's how they come out in The Builder's Daily rankings.
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Judge Dismisses Case Aiming For Access To Internal PulteGroup Records
The plaintiff's legal team, the Miller Law Firm, P.C., has indicated – via a press statement – it may re-file the lawsuit after Trester squares away registration paperwork to qualify as a "shareholder of record."
Here's How One Private Builder Gets Ready For Whatever's Next
Wade McGuinn, principal owner of Columbia, S.C.-based McGuinn Hybrid Homes, shares a view of operational readiness and resilience for a continued period of "knowns, unknowns, and unknown unknowns."
Proactive, Preventative Steps To Lower Owners' New Home Costs
Since the calculus of monthly payments comes down to dollars and cents — and where the cutoff and tolerance limits are, especially for first-time homebuyers — savings tactics at every turn become critical selling points.
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Westwood Insurance Agency