TBD Leadership

Where experience, wisdom, willingness to learn, and presence empower team members and partners to be bold, to together frame challenge as opportunity, to be their best selves.

Together with
Together with
TBD Salutes A Master Builder In Heart, Soul, And Lifelong Action


TBD Salutes A Master Builder In Heart, Soul, And Lifelong Action

Jimmy Carter’s life of service reminds homebuilders that housing is not just about construction — it’s a foundation for dignity, character, and purpose for this generation and the ones that follow.

Two Fallacies Of Construction's Labor Capacity Crisis, And A Real-World Fix


Two Fallacies Of Construction's Labor Capacity Crisis, And A Real-World Fix

Few doubt the fact that unstable access to skilled and adaptive frontline workers, managers, and strategists right up the value chain stands, arguably, as the No. 1 risk to business plans, industry sector capability, and economic impact in residential investment.

Together with

Building Industry Partners

Why Young 1st-Time Buyers  Are Driving Spring '23 Demand


Why Young 1st-Time Buyers Are Driving Spring '23 Demand

Buyers – especially the aspiring first-time and entry level prospects – pushed through a narrower mathematical pathway to achieve their goal. Here's what coaxes many of them along.

Together with

Westwood Insurance Agency

As Builders Eye Future Growth, It's Time For A 'People Pipeline'


As Builders Eye Future Growth, It's Time For A 'People Pipeline'

When it comes to investing in a land pipeline to fuel future growth, it's a no-brainer for homebuilding strategists. Why not consider commitment and investments now in people resources to ignite and accelerate that growth as well?

Together with


The Builder's Daily Thanks You For 2 Magical Years, & Counting


The Builder's Daily Thanks You For 2 Magical Years, & Counting

This moment, for just one moment, is about saying thanks for giving us a shot at being a "who" in your life, rather than just a "what."

Another Monday In Builderland, With A Birthday To Celebrate


Another Monday In Builderland, With A Birthday To Celebrate

Homebuilder and their partner business teams put themselves in a position to pivot and play aggressively, rather than to simply concede to gravity and the headline risk cycle.

TBD Salutes A Master Builder In Heart, Soul, And Lifelong Action


TBD Salutes A Master Builder In Heart, Soul, And Lifelong Action

Jimmy Carter’s life of service reminds homebuilders that housing is not just about construction — it’s a foundation for dignity, character, and purpose for this generation and the ones that follow.

Two Fallacies Of Construction's Labor Capacity Crisis, And A Real-World Fix


Two Fallacies Of Construction's Labor Capacity Crisis, And A Real-World Fix

Few doubt the fact that unstable access to skilled and adaptive frontline workers, managers, and strategists right up the value chain stands, arguably, as the No. 1 risk to business plans, industry sector capability, and economic impact in residential investment.

Together with

Building Industry Partners

Why Young 1st-Time Buyers  Are Driving Spring '23 Demand


Why Young 1st-Time Buyers Are Driving Spring '23 Demand

Buyers – especially the aspiring first-time and entry level prospects – pushed through a narrower mathematical pathway to achieve their goal. Here's what coaxes many of them along.

Together with

Westwood Insurance Agency

As Builders Eye Future Growth, It's Time For A 'People Pipeline'


As Builders Eye Future Growth, It's Time For A 'People Pipeline'

When it comes to investing in a land pipeline to fuel future growth, it's a no-brainer for homebuilding strategists. Why not consider commitment and investments now in people resources to ignite and accelerate that growth as well?

Together with


The Builder's Daily Thanks You For 2 Magical Years, & Counting


The Builder's Daily Thanks You For 2 Magical Years, & Counting

This moment, for just one moment, is about saying thanks for giving us a shot at being a "who" in your life, rather than just a "what."

Another Monday In Builderland, With A Birthday To Celebrate


Another Monday In Builderland, With A Birthday To Celebrate

Homebuilder and their partner business teams put themselves in a position to pivot and play aggressively, rather than to simply concede to gravity and the headline risk cycle.