TBD Land

The data, the deals, the intel to improve the value chain of people, property, product, price and placemaking.

Dirt And Demand: Connect The Dots Of Development To Come


Dirt And Demand: Connect The Dots Of Development To Come

When supply falls well below theoretical demand, comparing the "supply" of incomes to the "supply" of homes becomes essential. If prices rise while volume falls, that is an affordability crisis, not necessarily a housing industry problem.


Metro Magnetic: Pencilling How Much Commute Will Compute

Land acquisition strategy's challenge of the moment is to decipher signals vs. noise, reactiveness vs. initiation, impulse vs. intention as households shape geography's future.

Drive 'Til You Qualify Gets A Work-From-Anywhere Makeover


Drive 'Til You Qualify Gets A Work-From-Anywhere Makeover

How powerfully will the blended allure of desirably-priced housing and liberation from a daily commute move people to move, predictably?

Six Impossible Housing Ideas: Unmasking Local Land-Use Policy


Six Impossible Housing Ideas: Unmasking Local Land-Use Policy

The thinking that brings you new local land-use “tools in the toolbox” – inclusionary housing, affordable housing fees, tax credits for buyers -- will not bring you homes for more people.

Mobility: What It Was, What It Is And What It May Never Be Again


Mobility: What It Was, What It Is And What It May Never Be Again

Our market-rate housing business community is too enamored of trend flavor-of-the-month prognostications, self-assurances, and full-steam-ahead wagers, based largely on seat-of-the-pants reckoning and pure guesswork.

The Future Is Now: Lead, Don't Wallow


The Future Is Now: Lead, Don't Wallow

The capability challenge, our Dream Team posits, can only be solved through the embrace of data, technology, process and a pivot to collaboration in a dog-eat-dog culture.

Dirt And Demand: Connect The Dots Of Development To Come


Dirt And Demand: Connect The Dots Of Development To Come

When supply falls well below theoretical demand, comparing the "supply" of incomes to the "supply" of homes becomes essential. If prices rise while volume falls, that is an affordability crisis, not necessarily a housing industry problem.


Metro Magnetic: Pencilling How Much Commute Will Compute

Land acquisition strategy's challenge of the moment is to decipher signals vs. noise, reactiveness vs. initiation, impulse vs. intention as households shape geography's future.

Drive 'Til You Qualify Gets A Work-From-Anywhere Makeover


Drive 'Til You Qualify Gets A Work-From-Anywhere Makeover

How powerfully will the blended allure of desirably-priced housing and liberation from a daily commute move people to move, predictably?

Six Impossible Housing Ideas: Unmasking Local Land-Use Policy


Six Impossible Housing Ideas: Unmasking Local Land-Use Policy

The thinking that brings you new local land-use “tools in the toolbox” – inclusionary housing, affordable housing fees, tax credits for buyers -- will not bring you homes for more people.

Mobility: What It Was, What It Is And What It May Never Be Again


Mobility: What It Was, What It Is And What It May Never Be Again

Our market-rate housing business community is too enamored of trend flavor-of-the-month prognostications, self-assurances, and full-steam-ahead wagers, based largely on seat-of-the-pants reckoning and pure guesswork.

The Future Is Now: Lead, Don't Wallow


The Future Is Now: Lead, Don't Wallow

The capability challenge, our Dream Team posits, can only be solved through the embrace of data, technology, process and a pivot to collaboration in a dog-eat-dog culture.