McKinley Homes Expands to Texas with Liberty Acquisition
The deal highlights the growing importance of private-to-private partnerships in reshaping U.S. homebuilding amid rising competition — in places like Houston, especially — and evolving buyer demands.
Drive 'Til You Qualify Gets A Work-From-Anywhere Makeover
How powerfully will the blended allure of desirably-priced housing and liberation from a daily commute move people to move, predictably?
Six Impossible Housing Ideas: Unmasking Local Land-Use Policy
The thinking that brings you new local land-use “tools in the toolbox” – inclusionary housing, affordable housing fees, tax credits for buyers -- will not bring you homes for more people.
Mobility: What It Was, What It Is And What It May Never Be Again
Our market-rate housing business community is too enamored of trend flavor-of-the-month prognostications, self-assurances, and full-steam-ahead wagers, based largely on seat-of-the-pants reckoning and pure guesswork.
The Future Is Now: Lead, Don't Wallow
The capability challenge, our Dream Team posits, can only be solved through the embrace of data, technology, process and a pivot to collaboration in a dog-eat-dog culture.
The Rise And Rise Of LGI Homes: A Model Fit For Headwinds
The secret-sauce behind the trajectory of the decade's most high-momentum homebuilding enterprise, and why there's no reason to think it will stop at being a top-5-ranked builder.