McKinley Homes Expands to Texas with Liberty Acquisition
The deal highlights the growing importance of private-to-private partnerships in reshaping U.S. homebuilding amid rising competition — in places like Houston, especially — and evolving buyer demands.
Atlanta-Based Grand Oak Builders Adds NC-Triad Operator Tradition
Serial start-up operator Dave Erickson's Grand Oak plans to add private builders to a regional portfolio, so long as he can add value ... and as long as it makes sense.
Bull, Bear, Or Indifferent, It's Time To Game Out Housing Scenarios
Bullish signals flash green, while bearish noise ups the volume to an unholy din. Who's the contrarian? More importantly, who's early, late, and right?
More Housing Needed In Cities Or Suburbs? The Answer Is Yes
It's not an either or. Migration and geographical population change statistics support residential investment and development in both dense, downtown urban hubs, as well as greenfield path-of-growth magnets.
A Slew Of Fast-Unspooling Risks Pressure Land Underwriting Data
Where homebuilders pick up a pivotal signal of a cyclical downturn ahead often comes clear in a typical Monday land committee meeting with corporate finance and treasury. Those meetings are suddenly taking a new tone and new data points.
What Was True Then - In 2010 Housing Crisis - Is So True, Again
'We won't get fooled again,' ... well, says SLC Advisors principal Scott Cox, unless we forget what we reminded ourselves of the last time we got fooled.