Private Capital Strikes Again: Oak Knoll’s $130M Kickstart
A historic Bay Area naval site is being transformed into a master-planned community amid the toughest credit market in years. With banks pumping the brakes, private capital is fueling a critical project in San Francisco's housing crisis.
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Builder Advisor Group
Lending More Than $700 Million In '23, Avila Real Estate Capital Reaches A&D Zenith
"The Avila team has always been a tremendous resource. He knows the builders, the capital partners – he knows everybody in our industry." -- Gary Tesch, Regional President, Coventry Homes, a Dream Finders Homes firm.
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Builder Advisor Group
Flawless Execution Will Divide 2024's Winners From Losers
Six operational imperatives will build flexibility and optionality into homebuilding firms' near- and mid-term capacity to withstand both continued volatility and turbulence regarding demand and ongoing supply constraints.
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For Lennar, Results And Outlook Cast A Bigger Role For Its Data
An operating model that allows Lennar to elevate pace -- both to pull demand and push supply -- as the operational driver of the entire value cycle, has common data at its heart, soul, and brains.
The New Math: The 5 Metrics To Get Right For Success In 2024
During the period since the Global Financial Crisis, the underlying math of the homebuilding and residential development business has changed in ways I am not sure has been thought through by all participants.
Higher Money Costs Spread AD&C Pain: A Case Study Solution
A multi-billion dollar 385-acre, 2,216-home master planned community already through successful phases of development – One Lake, in the Bay Area's Solano County, CA – had a brush with a liquidity event. Here's what happened next.
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Builder Advisor Group