Private Capital Strikes Again: Oak Knoll’s $130M Kickstart
A historic Bay Area naval site is being transformed into a master-planned community amid the toughest credit market in years. With banks pumping the brakes, private capital is fueling a critical project in San Francisco's housing crisis.
Together with
Builder Advisor Group
Spring Thaw Beats Expectations But Are Sales Gains For Keeps?
Accounting for at least some of the lift, builders' now widely-practiced monthly payment value proposition has served as a reliable workhorse, especially since those who have very good reasons to buy a home have so little else to consider.
Underwriting In A New World Order Of Higher-Longer Rates
Determine “what’s the bet?” What are we really banking on or believing in that leads us to do this deal? You can’t answer this question rigorously unless you are ruthlessly honest in your pro formas. -- A Scott Cox MasterClass
Together with
New Home Star
Pressure's Intensifying On Housing Innovation Start-Ups To Prove Out Promises
This is Part 1 of a three-part TBD exploration of follow-on impacts of a post-low interest rate era on housing's start-up venture pioneers in construction and real estate.
Banking Sector's Shocks Could Work In Housing Market's Favor
"This could be a positive thing for builders and consumers, especially if it causes the Federal Reserve to pause on raising rates, and possibly go so far as to start lowering them before the end of the year. It's a warning shot to the Fed that they went too far too fast on raising rates."
Housing's Environment Has Changed. How Will We Adapt?
Our housing markets across the country have been rapidly changing and if we don’t change to keep pace, we risk being the proverbial frog in boiling water.