Private Capital Strikes Again: Oak Knoll’s $130M Kickstart
A historic Bay Area naval site is being transformed into a master-planned community amid the toughest credit market in years. With banks pumping the brakes, private capital is fueling a critical project in San Francisco's housing crisis.
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Builder Advisor Group
Blackstar Stability Attacks Effects Of Widespread Predatory Lending
Buy the properties, forgive the usurious, virtually-impossible-to-repay debt, re-term the predatory loans, and set residents on a real-world path to owning their home. That's precisely the purpose of 2022 Ivory Prize winner Blackstar Stability.
Smith Douglas Goes Big And Bold With A $100-Mil IPO In The Works
The team has earned high regard among peers, trade colleagues, customers, and suppliers as an exceptionally led, competent, and driven team that struck out on an accelerated growth path in its Southeastern market footprint seven years ago, and never looked back.
United Homes Group's Roadmap To Becoming A Mega-Regional Giant
The Builder's Daily spoke at length with UHG President Jack Micenko on plans to acquire homebuilders in seven states in America's Southeast. Here are his top 10 insights.
Two Nemeses Stalk 2024 Budget Planning: Here's How To Slay Them
Operators' best weapon to offset the risk of the two nemeses is running a business that's as light and agile on borrowed capital as possible, and as efficient and competent at deploying that upfront capital in the right places at the right moment.
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How Smaller Builders Say They'll Navigate Higher-For-Longer Rates
Capital lending, investment, homebuilding, and development professionals face a no-choice moment to digest and game-out impacts of a higher-for-longer interest rate regime. For smaller players, it may be a selling decision time.