How Did We Get Here? The Origin Of Housing Scarcity In America
Land use, development, and investment expert -- and TBD Dream Teamer -- Scott Cox weighs in on a key question for municipal officials. If "we can't build our way out of" the housing crisis, what's the plan?
Recalculating Risk: The Californiafication Of US Housing
TBD Dream Teamer Scott Cox unpacks how to grapple with where housing's at, where it's heading, and what builders, developers, and investors need to do to factor for disrupted supply and demand forces.
Six Impossible Housing Ideas: Unmasking Local Land-Use Policy
The thinking that brings you new local land-use “tools in the toolbox” – inclusionary housing, affordable housing fees, tax credits for buyers -- will not bring you homes for more people.
Why Isn't Our Industry Part of the Housing Debate?
We are often considered to be part of the problem. There is a common perception among most housing advocates that we make obscene profits and don’t “get” what consumers need/want.
What's Missing In The Housing Debate In The United States?
If you study your local planning documents, you are unlikely to find an analysis of how much we can reasonably build even in a pro-growth scenario. But we’re betting our future around the idea that it will be enough.