A Matter Of Debate: Cutting Through The B.S. On Housing Fixes
"I equate the presidential campaign proposals to spiking the punch. It is fun; everyone enjoys it, at least until the inevitable hangover comes. Fixing supply is more like telling people they really do have to eat their vegetables." - Scott Cox, SLC Advisors
The Elephant In The Land Acq Room: Underwriting For Inflation
We need to underwrite where we would operate today on present conditions, which hopefully is a floor under our speculative ceiling.
Narrow Pathways: 7 Options Key Private Homebuilders' Roadmap
A more challenging entitlement world with chronic undersupply likely means being at a margin disadvantage is not a question of merely accepting lower returns. It is the difference between buying and not buying land.
Inclusionary Housing: Affordability Crisis Solution Or Policy Mirage?
Scott Cox examines fresh data evidence underlying one of U.S. localities' widely trending housing attainability policy -- and electability -- strategies. Here is his take on five better ways to make progress.
Affordability Efforts Abound ... With Unintended Consequences
It is hard to shake the feeling that, in trying to solve our housing problems by selectively building for a small portion of specific classes of people, we are creating a more rigid community of haves and have-nots instead of solving the root causes of insufficient building.