Marketing & Sales
Research: Supply Constraint Is Not No. 1 Driver Of Housing Crisis
Findings imply that constrained housing supply is relatively unimportant in explaining differences in rising house prices among U.S. cities -- suggesting that easing housing supply constraints may not yield the anticipated improvements in housing affordability.
Florida Paradox: In-Migration Vs. Growing Signs Of An Exodus
Even as domestic migration cools, international migration is driving demand, and with it, there is pressure on land prices, baseline costs, and housing attainability.
How Climate-Forward Rules Trip Up California Affordability Push
California has struggled with housing shortages and affordability. Pursuing climate policies focused on infill development only could be making the struggle worse.
Regulation Recoil: Developers Avoid Gateway Cities ... Here's Why
Multifamily rental developers focus on investments in the Sun Belt and secondary metropolitan areas, which have tended to outpace others in economic growth, especially in the past several years of the post-pandemic era.
States Raise Stakes In Bid To Rid Vacant Properties Of Squatters
Data on squatting is scant. The National Rental Housing Council surveyed members and released the results. Atlanta topped the country with an estimated 1,200 homes taken over by squatters, while Dallas-Fort Worth had 475 homes.