Proof-Case: To Keep Pace With Consumers, Evolve Or Else
As an example of the business value of bold strategy and investment, take Kohler, never content with the status quo, but rather a leading barometer of consumer climate change.
Sticker Shock Has Brought Down Titans Before ... It Can Do So Again
Builders -- whether they want to or not -- are testing price elasticity limits of customers. Those customers have a known history of changing their behavior when costs exceed their tolerance point. Here's how.
The 5th Cycle: Frank Anton On Housing's Law Of Gravity
What-if? The question few housing business stakeholders care to factor into their forecasts right now is what happens when -- not if -- interest rates spike?
Frank Anton: By-The-Numbers, The Measures Of Racial Equity
We introduce Dream Team member Frank Anton, an iconic voice in housing, with an analysis series, each of whose topics spring from a single, meaningful statistical measure.