As Prices Flash Crisis, Here's 2 Paths To Building More Affordably
New home square footage and precision-focused easing of costly regulatory burdens could bring average selling prices on newly built homes back to more attainable levels for homebuilders and developers.
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It Rhymes With Trouble And Flashes Orange Before It Goes Red
For Frank Anton, the strongest signals in housing are ones that impact a stark 'fundamentals' gap between households' payment power and the combo of asking prices and monthly costs. Data, evidence, action.
Marketing & Sales
Bubble? No Bubble? Sometimes You Just Have To Trust Your Gut
By-the-numbers takes a more personal turn, to see the writing on the wall. When there's a disparity between housing economic models and common sense, it may be that the models aren't up to the task.
Sooner Or Later? A Housing Icon Reads The Tea Leaves And Asks
Frank Anton — a lifelong student of history, and a career-long witness to five of America's boom-and-bust housing cycles — sees a correction coming. Let's engage with him as he runs the numbers on when.
Marketing & Sales
Hidden In Plain Sight, The Baby Boom May Be The Next Big Thing
Homebuilders, developers, and investors fixate on younger adult buyers and their path into new homeownership. Meanwhile, a still untapped -- and unconventional -- market lies ahead in a longer 55-plus runway.