The Builder's Daily Readers Say They're Up To '23's Challenges
Three out of four respondents in our survey two weeks ago see a housing market on the rebound, righting itself relatively quickly.
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Marketing & Sales
Spring Selling 2023: Is This Time Different? Please Do Tell
For just the second time, The Builder's Daily asks you to tell us your view of how Spring Selling Season and the balance of 2023 will work out. Please take five minutes to respond to our survey here.
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Here's The Top Line On What TBD Survey Respondents Expect Next
Frank Anton looks at the data from our very first online rapid survey and concludes, 'yeah, but ... ' Bottom line, though, the numbers support a case for confidence.
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Two Minute Drill: Tell Us What We Need To Know About What's Going On
700 people now read The Builder's Daily each day, including decision-makers in all of the nation's most active housing markets. Your responses to these 10 questions can help us serve you better.
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Big Equity Gains For Homeowners Bode Remodeling Demand Surge
Here's three reasons why -- including a $200,000 windfall in home equity gains over the past few years to a typical mortgage holder -- remodeling businesses may thrive while new home construction slows down considerably for the near-term future.
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