Marketing & Sales
Do Homebuilders Waste Money On Marketing No One Trusts?
To build rapport with buyers, homebuilders need to be upfront, shift from selling to educating, and evolve their marketing strategies. Marketing strategist Barbara Wray shares time- and cycle-tested secrets.
Marketing & Sales
11 Things Homebuilders Need To Know About Placemaking
Build it and they will come, ... but only if you get the story right and then put it in front of the people who will love the place you’ve built.
Marketing & Sales
Wray Of Light: Here's How To Keep Pace As Headwinds Stiffen
More than four out of five consumers think it’s a bad time to buy a home; here are seven strategies builders and developers can deploy as a more effective marketing plan to win sales.
Marketing & Sales
To Add To Your Share of 2024 Homebuyers, Start Here
Earning customers’ trust and confidence starts with a consistent and focused marketing strategy.